So there are some of the awesome spring time pictures I took on Tuesday. I LOVE spring! It is by far my favorite season. All the pretty flowers and once we get past March there weather isn't freezing cold but it's not burning up either. *contented sigh* Oh spring.
So I have no really interesting story to tell today.... I lead a pretty boring life most of the time. Go to school... come home.... do homework... sleep... more school. I'm told this is the average teenager's life but come on... how lame and boring is that.
So I had a really cool God moment today... I have just been really tired and out of it this week... I guess I'm not sleeping well or something... and today I mean I was just out of it. I can't even tell you what happened 1st and 2nd period. I just wasn't even there. So by 3rd period I was just like "OK Lord... I can't keep functioning like this. I just am not here. I'm like in some fog. Please just let me go home or something that takes me away from school!" The funny thing about God is that He tends to answer our prayers but not in the way we had planned. Sure enough by the time 4th period rolled around I was full of energy and was wide awake the rest of the day. I'm sure God was chuckling at me. :) I've heard some people say that God doesn't have a sense of humor but anyone who has ever glanced at a giraffe cannot say that. I'm sure God just randomly has a nice little laugh at that tall, awkward, honkin' giraffe. Funny little creatures. And by little I mean huge.
(side note: Please don't post a link to my blog on your blogs. I really only want people I tell about my blog to have access. Thanks.)
I sure am glad He thought to make the giraffe, since he is my very favorite animal!